Happy New Year!

2017 already? Oh my, how time flies.

I worked on some fantastic projects in 2016, one of which I'll be able to share with the world very soon. (two words: MUSIC VIDEO). What? You want a sneak peek? Ok, twist my arm....

Also this past year I joined a local writing group for kid lit, and have dipped my toe in the (intimidating) waters of WRITING. It's been scary and fun and difficult and amazing, and I'm very glad that I've begun.... I'm not ready to call myself a writer just yet, but maybe one day soon. To help myself along in this creative journey, this month I am participating in Tara Lazar's STORYSTORM (formally PiBoldMo), and generating new picture book story ideas everyday.... again, its amazing and difficult at the same time. The ideas are flowing for me, but of course I wonder how much of them are complete crap. Ha!

The final quarter of 2016 found me exhausted from so much work, and thus I made BALANCE my focus for the remaining months of the year - balance between life and work, I know I know, there's no such thing. Well, I tried, and it felt much better to be me once I starting practicing a bit more self-care.

For 2017, the theme of BALANCE will continue (as I've learned to only take on ONE major project at a time) and I am also adding the theme of FOCUS.... call it focus, or growth, or challenging-oneself.... its all related. I've turned my focus away from art licensing, and towards publishing. I will be focusing this year on writing and illustration in the kid-lit market. Is that a little like saying "I want to be a rock-star"? Maybe... but I think I can do it.

Onwards and upwards!


My Baby Brother


NESCBWI 2016 recap and other musings